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What is Affiliate PR and how does it differ from traditional PR?

Affiliate PR combines traditional public relations tactics with affiliate marketing strategies to drive revenue and increase brand awareness. Traditional PR focuses on securing media coverage in publications and online outlets, while affiliate marketing is centered around promoting products and services through partnerships with affiliates who earn a commission for sales generated through their unique affiliate link. In Affiliate PR, PR outreach is used to build relationships with affiliate partners and secure placements on their platforms to drive traffic and sales.

Affiliate PR is the ultimate win-win outcome in public relations. In a nutshell, when Mystik sends out a pitch about your product(s) to editors, we're sharing your affiliate program info as well. If/when the editor shares the product(s) and brand in a feature, they will earn a commission on any sales driven by that feature. A win for the publication, a win for the client, a win for Mystik! 

What does "starting at $2k" mean?

The goal of creating an affiliate program is growth, and Mystik is here to grow with you! With that in mind, the monthly retainer will be in addition to 5% of revenue generated by affiliates. 

How easy is it to set up a new affiliate program? 

Very easy! You'll have support to walk you through each step to make the set-up process as seamless as possible and answer any questions you may have along the way!

How do you determine the best affiliate partners for a brand?

We evaluate potential affiliate partners based on several factors such as their audience demographics, content quality, brand alignment, and past performance. We also conduct thorough research on the partner's reputation and credibility within their industry before making any recommendations to our clients. Ultimately, our goal is to ensure that our clients' affiliate partnerships are with reputable, relevant, and high-performing partners that will drive conversions and revenue for their business.

Liv is a passionate and results-driven PR professional who believes in the power of forging strong connections between brands and publications. With a focus on quality, she works tirelessly to deliver exceptional results for her clients, leveraging her expertise in media outreach, relationship building, and strategic communication to help brands succeed. Liv's commitment to putting people first is reflected in everything she does, from her personalized approach to client management to her unwavering dedication to ethical and responsible PR practices.

Meet liv